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Last revised May 5, 2021



The name of this organization shall be The Kingwood Area Democrats (KAD).




KAD shall have as its objectives and purposes:

  • To support and promote the Democratic Party at all levels of government.

  • To influence the Democratic Party to continue to promote social justice, equal rights, and civic responsibilities through passing resolutions, electing Democratic candidates to office, and encouraging participation in the democratic process within our community.

  • To keep the Kingwood community and its surrounding areas informed of the Democratic Party and its principles through social media, political rallies, qualified speakers, letters to the editor, telephone banks, block walking, and other modes of communication.

  • KAD will act in all lawful ways common to entities of its type, in full compliance with the TEC.




All persons who identify as Democrats and/or agree with the Democratic Party and its principles are eligible for membership in KAD.


A person becomes a member of KAD upon payment of annual dues. Membership dues shall be set by the Executive Committee and approved by the general membership.




The Executive Committee shall consist of the five officers and six standing committee chairs. Each member shall have one vote.  A member may vote only as one position in the Executive Committee.


KAD shall have these five officers: 

  • President

  • Vice President

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Sergeant of Arms/Parliamentarian. 

KAD shall have these six standing committee chairs:

  • Fundraising

  • Membership

  • Voter Registration / Voter Education

  • Communications 

  • Community Outreach & Marketing

  • Volunteers 


The functions of the Executive Committee shall be the maintenance of a continuous program of political activity and education, development of awareness, and organization in every precinct in Kingwood and its surrounding areas. The Executive Committee is responsible for the development of fund-raising activities development and maintenance of the programs of KAD, and any other functions as provided for in these bylaws.




Except for the office of the President, to be eligible to serve as an officer, a person must have been a dues-paying member of KAD for at least three months before the date of the election. To be eligible to serve as President, a person must have been a dues-paying member of KAD for at least one year before the date of the election and must reside in Kingwood or its surrounding areas.  The term of the office for all officers shall be one year. Elections shall be held at the February general membership meeting of KAD. 


Vacant Executive Committee positions shall be filled by a vote of the general membership following a recommendation by the Executive Committee. 


The duties of the officers are:

  • The President shall preside at all meetings and be the official spokesperson for the Executive Committee. The President shall create ad hoc committees and appoint their members and chairpersons with the consent of the Executive Committee as needed. For example: Budget, Audit, Nominations, Bylaws. The President shall be the official spokesperson at all official meetings or gatherings with other Democratic organizations, Democratic officeholders, and/or candidates seeking office.

  • The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President, coordinate membership communication activities with the Communications committee, oversee the Audit Committee, and assist the Executive Committee as needed.

  • The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings and report those minutes at the next scheduled meeting. The Secretary shall make such records available to the club members when requested. The Secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance of general correspondence. The Secretary shall coordinate and supply copies of all meeting agendas.

  • The Treasurer shall:

    • File appropriate forms to the state of Texas (TEC).

    • Receive and deposit all monies of KAD and shall record all financial transactions. 

    • Provide a detailed financial report to the Executive Committee at each Executive Committee meeting. 

    • Provide a balance report at the general membership meeting. 

    • Work with all of the members of the Executive Committee to prepare a projected annual budget to present to the Executive Committee.

    • Provide records to the Audit Committee for the annual financial audit.

    • Oversee the Budget Committee.

  • The Sergeant of Arms/Parliamentarian shall keep order at the meetings and use  these bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order, and KAD Operating Procedures to make sure proper parliamentarian procedures are followed during all meetings.



Each Standing Committee shall have a Chair.  To be eligible to serve as Chair of a Standing Committee, a person must have been a dues-paying member of KAD for at least three months before the date of the election. The term of the office for Standing Committee Chairs shall be one year. Elections shall be held at the February general membership meeting of KAD. 


The standing committees are: 

  • Fundraising – Creates and oversees major fundraisers and supports ad hoc fundraisers when undertaken.

  • Membership – Oversees community outreach for building KAD membership, manages membership dues renewals, and keeps official list of dues-paying members with the collaboration of the Treasurer.

  • Voter Registration/Voter Education – Plans and manages KAD voter registration and voter education events. Maintains and coordinates Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar activities.

  • Communications – Provides communications and publicity with the membership, media, and general public using social media, email, the KAD website, news releases, letters to the editor, and advertising. 

  • Community Outreach –  Arranges speakers and programs for monthly KAD meetings. Plans and arranges special social events, candidate meetings, and other events.  Coordinates with Fundraising and Communications Chairs to promote KAD initiatives.

  • Volunteers – Coordinates the gathering of volunteers to assist other committees with KAD activities and initiatives.




KAD shall meet monthly at a general membership meeting or other KAD activity.  A quorum of the active membership shall be 20%.


The Executive Committee shall meet monthly to plan club activities including the general membership meeting.  A majority of the elected members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.


Special membership meetings and Executive Committee meetings may be called by the President or a majority of the Executive Committee. 


Meetings may be done in person, or through various electronic means.  These may include, but are not limited to, Zoom Meetings, WebEx Meetings, On-Line Surveys and Votes, and E-Mail.


Proxies are permitted within these guidelines:

  • This applies to general membership meetings as well as Executive Committee meetings.

  • Proxies must be in writing. (Emails are acceptable documentation.)

  • Proxies may be specific or may grant broad permission to deal with activities that require voting.

  • A person may grant a proxy only to someone who has authority to vote at that meeting (any member of KAD for a general membership meeting, or any Executive Committee member for an Executive Committee meeting).




KAD shall publicly support Democratic Party candidates in general elections.  As a GPAC, KAD may financially support candidates and measures at the  state and local levels only.


During Democratic primary elections and runoffs, KAD shall not support Democratic candidates nor make political contributions except under extraordinary circumstances. Extraordinary circumstances must be approved by 75% vote of the Executive Committee members present and voting at an Executive Committee meeting. Once extraordinary circumstances have been declared by the Executive Committee, any support or donation must then be approved by 75% vote of those present and voting at a general membership meeting.


During non-partisan elections and runoffs, such as school board elections and municipal elections, such as school board elections and municipal elections (and others), KAD shall not support candidates nor make political contributions except under extraordinary circumstances. Extraordinary circumstances must be approved by a 75%  vote of the Executive Committee members present and voting at an Executive Committee meeting. Once extraordinary circumstances have been declared by the Executive Committee, any support or donation must then be approved by 75% vote of those present and voting at a general membership meeting.




  1. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings of KAD unless otherwise specified in these bylaws. These bylaws shall take effect upon adoption by a two-thirds vote of those in attendance at a general membership meeting.

  2. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a general membership meeting, as proposed by the Executive Committee, provided the proposed amendment has been presented for approval at the preceding general membership meeting.

  3. Specific Operating Procedures will be developed by the Executive Committee as needed.  These shall include:

    1. Annual audits of KAD financial records.

    2. Annual nominating committee activities.

    3. Annual budget development.

  4. Any member of the Executive Committee may be removed from Office and the Executive Committee by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.

  5. Membership status in KAD may be denied to any person by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.

  6. If, at any time, this club shall be dissolved, no part of the funds or property shall be distributed to or among its members.  After payment of all indebtedness of the club, its surplus funds and properties, shall be donated to the Harris County Democratic Party or another local Democratic Club that is a PAC.​

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